Intelligent Lathe Blade Exchange System

Keep employees safe with a fully automated blade exhange system

Improves Safety

Automates a Difficult Process

Checks for Debris and Confirms Blade Placement

Reduces Labor Costs

Exchanging Blades is a Dangerous Process

Changing lathe blades has historically been a major source of injury in Mills. So, RIOS is pleased to introduce the Intelligent Lathe Blade Exchange System – a lathe mountable robotic workcell that autonomously handles the entire lathe blade swapping process. This innovative solution safely streamlines the removal and replacement of lathe blades including debris removal and inspection.

Lathe Blade Exchanger with AI Supervision

RIOS Agents Automate Decision-Making

The Intelligent Lathe Blade Exchange System executes the entire blade swap process, including blade removal, debris clearing, and precise replacement.
We use AI-Enabled Vision Inspection to continuously monitors the lathe’s status during the knife exchange to ensure a safe exchange. The system also inspects the lathe for debris and ensures a proper cleanout during the exchange.

Lathe Blade Exchange System: What It Does

These robotic workcells automate the lathe blade swapping process


Veneer Handler Specifications

This robotic workcell has an 8'x10' footprint and can automate the process of moving veneer to and from stacks, conveyors and other machinery.

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